Journal of Scientometric Research, 2019 ,8, 1, 18-20.
DOI: 10.5530/jscires.8.1.3
Published: April 2019
Type: Research Article
Pattira Jabjaimoh, Klairung Samart*, Naratip Jansakul, Natthada Jibenja
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, THAILAND.
World university rankings are very competitive among educational institutions since it is a tool to attract good resources such as staff and students to the institutions. Many institutions realize the importance and require to set up to a better rank. The aim of this paper was to find how individual institution’s performance can be enhanced by finding the optimal values for each of our studied indicators: faculty student’s ratio, citations per faculty, proportion of international faculty and proportion of international students, that maximizes the overall score of Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking and therefore will lead to a better rank. Those four indicators are commonly used in most university ranking systems and considered to be controllable. An approach of optimization using maximization of nonlinear programming problem in which the objective function was constructed from normalization and weighting was applied throughout this research. The optimal values were obtained following Prince of Songkla University context. This research has shown that the final decision for the optimal values is based on constraints setting which depends on context, ability and policy of an individual educational institution.