Journal of Scientometric Research, 2019, 8, 1, 70-71.
DOI: 10.5530/jscires.8.1.11
Published: April 2019
Type: Book Review
Bidyarthi Dutta
Department of Library and Information Science, Vidyasagar University Midnapore, West Bengal, INDIA.
People today are continuously drowning in information. In the era of information technology, people have constant access to vast information. Our basket overflows. We are getting snowed under multitudes of information. The smoke of confusion wraps our thought, feelings and sense of reasoning. But people have been taught that information is useful, which accelerates more towards drowning than actually needed. Google estimates that there are 300 Exabyte’s (3X1020 bytes) of human-made information exist today that was just 30 exabytes only four years back. Much more information created in the past few years than the entire human history before us. Read More …
Keywords: Nil.