DOI: 10.4103/2320-0057.128996
Published: May 2013
Type: Research Article
CSIR-National Institute of Science Technology and Development Studies, New Delhi, India
The research output of India in human computer interaction (HCI) research during 1987-2011 is analyzed in this paper on several parameters including total research output, its growth, rank and global publication share, citation impact. It also analyses the characteristics of most productive institutions, authors and high-cited papers. India is at 16th position in the world in HCI research publications with 2656 papers by 3691 Indian authors from 693 institutions of India. The Transformative activity index suggests that India’s research activity in the field of HCI is improved greatly in the last 5 years. Although highest number papers are contributed by Indian Statistical Institute, about half of publications are contributed by engineering colleges. All the papers published by Indian researchers have appeared in journals with impact factors between 0.090 and 5.211 with an average impact factor of 1.455. Indian authors preferred to publish in journals originated from United Kingdom, the Netherlands, USA and Germany. Citation analysis for Indian publications gives 9.8 citations/paper.